“Encourage women to become entrepreneur means foster them to be resilience, risk taker, innovative, and empowered others.”

Mutmainnah Bahri & Waode Surya Darmadali
Introducing Ruang Kolaborasi Perempuan, a social enterprise company empowering more underprivileged women to build their businesses and connect them with the market.
About Ruang Kolaborasi Perempuan

Ruang Kolaborasi Perempuan ( RKP) is a women collaboration space organization to provide mentoring and training to women that focus in three pillars, in leadership, technology, and entrepreneurship.
The COVID-19 pandemic has huge impact on the social and economic environment for Indonesian. Many labours are forced to quit from their jobs because their company income decrease. Besides, the community’s purchasing power decreased as the impact of the limiting activities outside. Furthermore, the goods price rise in the same time the demand goes down. Therefore, there are many small business owners close their business. The result, their businesses stop operates.
Under RKP, we develop social enterprise called Kedai Sisters where we encourage the underprivileged women ( we called mitra sisters literally sisters partner) who hit financially by pandemic to start and develop their business through collaboration. Literally Kedai Sisters means Sisters Shop. In Kedai Sisters, we create program are needed by Mitra Sisters in support them to grow their small business thorough collaboration with volunteers (Professional Chef to help the women in making the best product based on SOP (Food safety and hygiene), business owners to share knowledge and experience in running a business and financial planners.

Ruang Kolaborasi Perempuan
Year Founded: