“I am so excited to be apart of a community of female entrepreneurs! I find it so powerful when I’m in a organization that is led by women. especially in an area that is male dominated. Looking around a room and seeing people who look like you makes your chance of success seem much more real. I also really love being around entrepreneurs! You have to be very dedicated to have a startup and anytime I go to an event with other founders I find myself so excited to work on my startup because of how inspiring they all are.”
About the FoundHER(s)
I was born with achromatopsia, which means I’m colorblind, light sensitive, and have low visual acuity. When I entered college learning became much more difficult and I decided to start researching what caused this inefficiency in schools. I found that the graduation rates for disabled students is shockingly low. I created FrontRow to promote innovation in assistive technology and solve visually impaired students notetaking troubles by projecting class notes onto their devices!

About the Company
Through surveys, FrontRow has found that 25% of students have difficulty seeing projected notes, 40% with whiteboard notes, and 60% with chalkboard notes. Additionally, low vision students have a graduation rate of 15%. This data demonstrates a large issue: if students can’t see notes clearly in class, how will they learn? FrontRow’s goal is to make seeing classroom notes easier and increase the graduation rate in low vision college students with a notes app that displays projected classroom notes on a student’s tablet. We have a unique edge as the current landscape lacks effective technology for low vision students. Our target audience is currently using their phones to take photos of class notes, but students find this ineffective.
With FrontRow, we offer an easy solution so that the student does not have to worry about anything other than taking notes. From the school’s perspective we offer a solution for disabled students but also start the process of elevating classroom technology. This will help FrontRow stay relevant in the long-run as schools and education technology has been increasingly important. FrontRow will work directly with schools and utilize the output from cameras currently in classrooms. We plan to sell packages to schools so that schools can provide accommodations for ALL students. Through empowering low vision students and innovating schools, FrontRow hopes to reshape accessibility for students.


Building accessible classrooms by bringing the board to students.
Year Founded

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Know someone who would be a good fit for our FoundHER Program?
Nominations are open to anyone who is a part of the UT Austin ecosystem!